Industry news

What need to know before buying RV Interior Lights LED- Part Two


Published by admin March 13,2025

how much energy will I save?

The average 60 incandescent watt bulb will cost $4.80 cents to run over a period of a year. Most bulbs will average 1,000 hours of use. In comparison, a 12 W LED light (the kind used in RV’s) will cost a mere $1.00 to run. This LED bulb will work for up to 25,000 hours providing the same volume of light as its incandescent friend.

Many recreational vehicles have fluorescent or halogen lights in their interior. While fluorescent and halogen lights are more efficient they often give “tainted” light. Tainted lights often distorts and makes things seem either yellow or green.  Halogen lights run hot and while more cost-effective than an incandescent bulb they will burn your light fixture or ceiling over time.   If you prefer fluorescent style fixtures look for LED copy cats such as LED Tube lights to replace your current old fashion bulb. 

Ok, take a moment to count your rv interior lights….yep that’s what I thought. There’s a ton of them. By replacing your old lights with new LED rv lights in the interior of your unit, you will save a bundle over time.

Now that you know WHY you need new LED lights here’s HOW to buy them WITHOUT all the hassle.

Step #1: First, Choose The Correct LED RV Lights For Your Interior:

Examine the base of your bulb. Some original bulbs will single filaments while others will have a pin. Examine your current bulb and use a simple conversion chart to decide which LED light is right for your rig.

Step #2: Second, Choose The Right Color For You:

Believe it or not, light varies in color and this variation can affect your RV interior. In this chart you can see how the light spectrum varies. For simplification let’s divide your choices into three colors. You can choose natural light, cool light or warm light.

Natural light feels like sunlight. It is a combination most like walking in the sun.

Cool light is oftentimes the brightest light and appears the most white.

Warm light offers a gentle “blush” and provides a traditional interior color.

Step #3: Third, Choose Quality Components:

All LED bulbs are not created equal so reading product reviews and speaking to LED providers is an important step. While you can buy LED lights on sites like Ebay and Overstock, you may not always know what you are getting. Buyer Beware! This is where some basic research can go a long way. Consider trolling RV forums on the topic of RV Interior LED Lights and see what other owners are recommending. Amazon also offers a great variety of LED bulbs with accessible reviews and an easy return policy.

Step #4: Finally, Ask Some Questions:

  • Was this light designed specifically for RV use?
  • Is it rated with the correct voltage for RV use? (usually 10-30)
  • Does the light use aluminum heat sinks for longer RV life?


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